Diver Stories
Abandon Ship
A Diver Story by Michael Thomas Abandon ship!! There was a time when an opportunity arose for me shower in a waterfall. It was a pleasant passing daydream that became overwhelming when I spotted the idyllic scene at the end of a beach in a little town just south of Pt Arena, Cooks beach in…
Robin Brown at Johnsons Lee
A Diver Story by Michael Thomas The name of the vessel escapes me at the moment, however my week long adventure aboard this unconventional 40 ft wooden bow loader, would be the first and last time I would see her. All I considered at the time, was it was work, and the way Robin Brown…
The Integrity
A Diver Story by Michael Thomas Right around the time the sea urchin business really started to take off, I get a phone call from Glen Huebner. I worked for Glen on the Double Eagle (now the Trilogy) and he was a very motivated and gifted, diver, skipper and whatever else he decided he wanted…
Shelter Cove
A Diver Story by Michael Thomas When I arrived in Point Arena there was this young man who was working the Noyo Queen an old beat up Radon. He did not dive but he tended for the divers and did ok I guess. He was enthusiastic and had ambition. He was about 22 years old,…