Industry Resources

Here is a collection of resources compiled by the Sea Urchin Commission. Please note that we are not responsible for out-of-date information from these external websites.

Check for the accuracy and confirm the most up-to-date version.

urchin on a coral reef

Urchin Industry Resources

California Sea Urchin Commission Rules & Regulations

Download the PDF

California Department of Fish and Wildlife

To request a commercial dive fishing log, contact the Marine Fisheries Statistical Unit voicemail at 562-342-7130. Leave your name, phone number, address you want the log sent to, and CDFW license number.

The California Department of Fish and Wildlife Website
Path to obtaining a California Sea Urchin Permit
Commercial Digest
Renewing permit
Licensing your boat
Direct Selling Sea Urchins
How many permits are there (Data) [Current Capacity Goal of 150 permits]
Landing Data
Lost Gear Reporting: 1-888-491-GEAR or
Marine Protected Areas
Fishery Statistics

The Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission

The Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission Website

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Need more information from the Commission?

Fill out this form and someone from our the California Sea Urchin Commission will be in touch shortly!